Hey everyone, we hope you're all staying safe and healthy and following the stay at home orders and social distancing guidelines! So since we had to cancel our ax throwing show and postpone our show with Joint Operation & Keystone Vibe as well as our EP release party with Stationary Pebbles and Soulios due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we wanted to do something cool in the meantime. Unfortunately, with the shelter in place order in PA a full band live stream isn't currently an option but we do have some new content for you!
We are excited to share with you our first release featuring our full current line up! Back in May of 2019, our horn section joined up making us a 7 piece band and changing our sound for the better going forward. When Sam, Anthony and Harry joined up with Dave, Matt, Jordan and I, we knew we we wanted to write some quality content and put out something new that we are all equally proud of.
That being said, we all agreed that we should give you all a sneak peak into the ‘Get on the Bus!’ EP so here it is! This is the lyric video for Hindsight!
Check it out, give it a share and let us know what you think!
We have to give it up for the artist Nahuel Amaya and his excellent contributions of the artwork and the lyric video. The song is of course a FUBAR original and the audio was engineered and mixed by our own alto saxophonist, Sam Wtorkowski of Sarcasmic Music Group. Sam put an incredible amount of effort and creativity into producing this EP with us and we can't possibly thank him enough. We truly believe his work speaks for itself! We also have to thank John Nada at Nada Recording for mastering this track and the rest of the EP as well!
Be sure to stream the whole EP when it drops on on all major platforms on 4/17 and presave at the link below! 👇
Thank you all so much for your support! We hope you like the song!