'The Hunt for Inspiration' Out Now!
Fans, friends and family, we are proud to announce that our new album, 'The Hunt for Inspiration' has been released in physical form as well as on all major digital media outlets! You will notice the fancy new icons at the top and bottom of the website. Please do us a favor and go and download, stream, buy, like, share and follow us on all of those networks! Don't forget to snag your physical copy of the album at any of our upcoming shows! In case your wondering 'all digital media outlets' includes everywhere you listen to music like Spotify, iTunes, Pandora, Amazon Music, Google Play, Bandcamp and many more!

We just want to say thank you to anyone involved in the making of the album as well as anyone who has supported us over the years! Cheers to you!
An especially huge thank you to all of our families for being so patient and supportive with us while writing, recording and editing this record over the past few years. To Daniel Blake Production for all his incredibly hard work and late nights during the recording, editing and mastering processes with a fairly difficult and picky group of musicians (see FUBAR). To the Habatat horn section (Alec, Josh and Mere) for writing, recording and performing at Warped Tour as well as our CD release with us. To Ray Hursh, for his always amazing help lugging gear, running doors and managing our merch table at almost every show. To Linzi Troilo-Dalfonso of Shots by Linzi for taking some absurd photos of us at Dave's request which eventually became the album cover. To Abby Krizner at 105.9 the X for mentioning our release party of her show. To Devil Inside Promotions, First Angel Media and Amanda Baker for the promotion and CD release photography contributions. To Habatat, Keystone Vibe and DJ Cookies n' Cream for playing our CD release party and to all the local bands who have played gigs with us including First Hit, Highway Louie, Redson, Radioactive, August Ruins, Kaelber, Ãœge, Playgrounds and many others!

We have a hand full of shows we would love to see to you at coming up. The first of which is Songs for Strider, a benefit for the devastating loss of Strider Picket, the brother of our friend Ryan Woods of Habatat, organized by Written Hour Productions. We would greatly appreciate if you could make it out to this and show some support for the Woods family in this time of need.