Crafthouse Recap + Fall Shows!
We all had an epic time down at the Crafthouse with Ballyhoo, Artikal Sound System, Fayuca and Cynimatics! Great crowd, great vibes and all the bands were amazing! A totally cool group of humans, not to mention a super stacked line up! We really appreciate all our friends that turned out from all over the place!
We also have to give it up to our friend Amanda Baker from First Angel Media for coming out and taking a ton of amazing shots! Here's just a few from the show!
We also have to say thanks to our friend Lauren Stanley for coming out and taking some great shots as well! So many talented photographers in Pittsburgh!
There are a hand full of shows coming up in November! The first of which is next Friday, November 1st at the Adventure Shop in Charleroi, PA for the Halloween Hangover party! Featuring music from various DJ's as well as hiphop artist the Gr8 Berto, hardcore band Forsaken by Society, yours truly and celebrating "10 fucked up years" horrorcore/hiphop group Demented! Advance tickets are available at the Adventure Shop for $10 otherwise it's $12 at the door! See you there!

Other upcoming shows include:
1/11 @ Club Cafe in Pittsburgh, PA w/ Cynimatics and the Bleepy Things
More big news coming soon!