Live Music at the VenUe!
Long time no update! We have been pretty busy since we played Thunder in the Valley last month on 6/20. We've been working on new originals and covers, refreshing old material with the horns and booking shows and it has consumed a lot of our time. That being said, we are really looking forward to this Saturday, 7/20 at the VenUe at Manor Legion!

This FREE show is put on by our friends from Rainford Lane Entertainment and Steve Thompkins in association with the Manor American Legion. These guys have been working tirelessly helping to convert the legion's event hall into a new venue for live local music and it has been going very well. In addition to a few full shows under their belt they have also been hosting an open stage every Monday from about 7pm to midnight. Stop out sometime, you never know who you might see there!
For this show, the doors will open at 6pm and the show will start at 7pm. This will be our first event here since they changed they name and put some serious time, money and effort into making the place a great venue for live local music. We really looking forward to sharing the stage with the likes of HABATAT and SunDown on Saturday!
I hope to see you all there. Don't forget to share the original flyer post from our FB page for a shot at a FUBAR merch pack! Winner will be drawn Friday at 4:20pm!